X64 Gold
August 2022
Creating a new website for a rebranded Gold mine.
User Experience Design
Website Design

<p class="p-larger">When Medusa MIning rebranded to X64 GOLD, they were in need of a new website. The four main goals were to incorporate and showcase the new brand, create a dynamic site that anyone could update at any time, display the latest ASX prices, and dynamically list all the latest shareholder information. They were very happy with how it turned out.</p>
<div> </div>
We designed a hero video that introduced the new logo and rebrand. This animation focused on the X64 logo, with footage of the mine sites, people and processes involved.
<video autoplay loop width="100%" height="100%" type="video/mp4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ><source src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lffnqatbw5vnogo/intro-x64.mp4?"/></video>
The layout of the homepage spoke to Investors. It highlighted important information about $X64 and also allowed them to access the latest ASX Announcements and Reports quickly.

Interactive Map
We created an Interactive map to showcase where each X64 assets are located. This allowed users to navigate and view summaries about each site in a playful way.

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